Sunday 24 October 2010

Fireworks - grrrr

Don't know about you, but I think some humans are quite mad. Why on earth do they like spending their money on something they are just going to set fire to? It seems really strange to me. I don't think I'll ever understand them. Imagine how many meaty bones you could buy with that money.
And why do they need them to be so noisy? You can buy silent ones, after all - do they just like frightening the life out of every living creature?
Really ruins my chances of catching bunnies as they're all deep in hiding. With ears that big the sound is deafening.
The brilliant Clix CD got me used to hearing big bangs (the humans here are quite smart, I have to concede reluctantly) - but we can't give all the bunnies Ipods. The horses hate it too!
Check it out on the website - if you get the colliewobbles when the big bangs start get your owner to order one for you. Certainly better than listening to the warbling on Xfactor, much prefer Rex factor or Pup Idol myself...


  1. Can't seem to follow the blog via Facebook or twitter link :(
    Tail Waggers Trust is my nomination, a brilliant charitable organisation.
    Simon Bell

  2. Hi Simon, will have a look into that! I'm not that techie myself, all my attempts at rewiring the network have proved most unpopular!

  3. Ahh! I think there's a problem with the whole Internet at the moment as I can't see the followers bit on the blog at the moment! Do hope there's not a nasty virus - kennel cough is bad enough, but these computer viruses get right up my nose, too!
